
At Monkseaton Medical Centre, we value your feedback. An important part of this is our Patient Participation Group. Read more about this below. Alternatively, you can look at our complaints procedure and family and friends test.

The Patient Participation Group is well established at Monkseaton Medical Centre. The meetings are minuted. Recently an online group was formed (the Virtual Patient Group) which is representative of the Practice Population with patients in their early 20s through to their 80s, from all walks of life and with wide experience. The PPG felt that this group would be so useful in providing feedback and generating ideas that the PPG decided to reduce in numbers to a core group represented by a Chairman, Vice Chair, Secretary, and a member of the VPG. This core group will meet on a quarterly basis and be joined by a member of the Practice management team and by a GP partner when invited along by the Core group.

The Core PPG will publish a report annually.

If you would like to contribute to Practice matters but don’t want to attend meetings, the Virtual Patient Group might be just the thing, and we are still recruiting new members, see below.

Join the Virtual Patient Group. If you are aged over 16 and have an email address we would like to call upon you (electronically) from time to time to help with surveys, new projects, opinions, ideas etc. If you are interested then leave your email address at the reception desk and one of us will get back to you in due course.